Overview of Programme Content - Part 1
Here's an overview of the content of the programme (subject to change). A detailed Scheme of Work will be given out on the first day of the programme.
- Introduction to the programme
- Professional development and learning theory
- Tutorials
- CPD and analysis work
- Role of the interpreter
- Professionalism
- Interpreting and Translation theory
- Modes of interpreting
- Models of interpreting
- Writing a Business Plan
- Compiling a Glossary of Terms
- Preparing for interpreting assignments
- Analysis theory and self-evaluation
- BSL Linguistic theory
- Advanced BSL
- Practical exercises
- Critical analysis video work
- Research and self-study
- Essay writing
- BSL cohesion and culturally rich language
- Cognitive theories of interpreting
- Practical interpreting exercises
- Ethics and Professionalism
- Dilemmas - Demand and Control Schema
- Advanced English and practical sessions
- Methods and approaches in translation studies with translation practicals
- English as a target language, working into English practicals
- Translation theory and practice
- BSL to English, advanced English practical sessions
- Co-working and team interpreting
- Working with technology
- Taking notes and using consecutive interpreting
- Advanced English practical sessions using complex language
- Professional Supervision
- TSLI assessment and feedback