Meet our Experienced and Qualified Teaching Team
Following successful teaching and assessing careers at Action on Hearing Loss (AoHL)/ RNID and as freelancers, Linda Bruce and Lynn Delfosse set up Bruce & Delfosse Interpreter Training (BDIT) to provide an alternative route to achieving a BSL Interpreting qualification and to initially have a presence in the North West. They now deliver training across the whole of the UK, and remote programmes too.
The pair have been working closely together for over 25 years and have a wealth of knowledge and experience gained across a variety of projects, from designing and developing interpreting training programmes through to teaching, assessing and quality assuring.
Between them they have trained over 300 Interpreters across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. That's more than one in ten of the registered interpreters with NRCPD. As Assessors they both have a 100% success rate for their students achieving qualified interpreter status.
The pair have been working closely together for over 25 years and have a wealth of knowledge and experience gained across a variety of projects, from designing and developing interpreting training programmes through to teaching, assessing and quality assuring.
Between them they have trained over 300 Interpreters across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. That's more than one in ten of the registered interpreters with NRCPD. As Assessors they both have a 100% success rate for their students achieving qualified interpreter status.
![]() Linda Bruce RSLI, MASLI, CTLLS Teaching Adults, ASLI Trained Mentor, A1 Assessor, IBSL approved Assessor. Linda Bruce has been a Registered Sign Language Interpreter (RSLI) for over 20 years. She works in an assortment of domains across the community, her favourite is working in the medical setting as she is a qualified nurse (non-practicing). Alongside Lynn, Linda has designed and delivered interpreter training programmes at AoHL and other centres across the UK including Belfast, Central London, Liverpool, Newham and South Wales. She has been assessing the NVQ diploma for 10 years with a number of centres across the UK reaching over 90 interpreting students. She is an active supervisor for Trainee Sign Language Interpreters on the NRCPD register. Having Deaf parents, Linda has been signing all her life but initially went down a different route in her working career becoming a nurse, social worker and then mental health crisis worker. Eventually she came back to working in the Deaf community and joined RNID in 1999 as a Junior Trainee Interpreter where she was encouraged to train and qualify as in Interpreter in order to provide a high standard of interpreting to the Deaf community. As part of the i-sign project Linda taught a cohort of students in Liverpool who went onto qualify in 2011 and there has been nothing like this in the area since that time. Students who want to become interpreters have to travel long distances to get qualified and having the iBSL diploma here in Neston will provide an opportunity for people in the locality. It’s great that we are on the door step to Cheshire, Merseyside, North Wales and Greater Manchester. See Linda's NRCPD entry here. ![]() Mo Saville - Guest Lecturer Currently part of the 2024-2025 teaching team RSLI, MASLI, PGDip Sign Language Interpreting, ASLI Trained Mentor, C&G 7302 Teaching Adults, A1 Assessor, V1 Internal verifier and External Quality Assurer (Dip RSA) Mo Saville has worked with the Deaf community since 1997 and has been a Registered Interpreter since 2002. She lives in Essex and works in a range of domains within the community, with special interests in Social Care and IT. In addition to interpreting, Mo supports the training, development and assessment of interpreters, and has taught on the SLI Post Graduate Diploma programme, the Signamic INT 6:1 Interpreter development course and the Bruce Delfosse IBSL Level 6 Diploma in Sign Language Interpreting Studies. Mo holds qualifications as an Assessor (A1), Internal Quality Assurer (V1) and External Quality Assurer (EQA Dip RSA). See Mo's NRCPD entry here. |
![]() Lynn St John (Nee Delfosse) RSLI, RSLT, MASLI, DipHE Deaf Studies, PGdip Sign Language Interpreting, PCET, PGdip Professional Development Education and Training, ASLI Trained Mentor, A1 Assessor, V1 and V2 Verifier, IBSL approved Assessor and External Examiner. Lynn St John (nee Delfosse) has been a Registered Sign Language Interpreter for over 20 years and works across a variety of domains within the community. Alongside this, her focus has been on quality assurance and her roles have included working as an Assessor, Internal and Exernal Quality Assurance (previously known as verifier roles) and laterly as an Exernal Examiner. This has been for both of the sign language interpreting awarding bodies at centres across the UK. She has designed and delivered interpreting training programmes for over 20 years as well as accredited programmes for other language service professionals. In fact, one-in-10 of NCRPD registered interpreters has been trained by Lynn! Lynn managed the successful BSL Futures project which trained four Deaf tutors to become qualified teachers and enabled 30 apprentice interpreters to register with the NRCPD, thus improving the access to and quality of language service professionals in Wales. Lynn is also a Professional Standards' Advisor and Case Examiner for NRCPD. Lynn's achievements were recognised when she was awarded the Joseph Maitland Robinson Award for Outstanding Contribution at Signature’s annual awards in 2009. In 2017 Lynn achieved the Diploma in Sign Language Translation, which means Lynn is a qualified and registered interpreter and translator. In 2022 Lynn married, hence the name change, however we still operate under the Bruce Delfosse name! :-) See Lynn's NRCPD entry here. ![]() Helen Foulkes - Past Guest Lecturer
RSLT, MASLI, PGCE, BA Hons, Level 5 Operational Management, Level 3 Deafblind Guidance and Communication, Level 3 Counselling Skills Helen is profoundly deaf and has worked with, and for, Deaf and Deafblind people for over 25 years at a local, regional, national and international level. Her first job was as a Research Psychologist working with Deaf adults and children in mental health. She then moved into preventative mental health working with Deaf children and their families promoting emotional literacy, resilience, personal and social development. Helen’s next step was operational management for a regional Deaf organisation overseeing Residential and Day Services, Youth Services, and Training and Development. After a secondment to a University Deaf Studies department, Helen moved to North Wales and returned to working with families who wanted to learn to sign with their Deaf children. She developed and co-delivered a Family Sign Language “Training the Trainers” UK-wide programme with DCAL, UCL under a national Deaf organisation and supported Family Sign Language Tutors with their e-portfolios. During this time Helen also qualified as a teacher and delivered BSL-related courses at different levels to various audiences, in the community and within FE and HE settings. This included the BSL Futures Project in which Helen met Linda Bruce and Lynn Delfosse as colleagues and was invited to teach a cohort of trainee interpreters in North Wales during the duration of this project. Helen also gained her RSLT status with NRCPD and Deafblind qualifications in order to develop a freelance portfolio to offer services as a Registered Sign Language Translator, Deafblind Communicator, and a trainer/teacher. Helen has delivered translation assignments for a variety of clients including the BBC, ITV, S4C, Remark!, Flashing Lights, Anglesey Museums and Archives, British Society for Deafness and Mental Health and the National Deaf Children’s Society. You can see more of her work at |