Frequently Asked Questions
We know that choosing the right programme for your interpreter training is a big deal! Your research will throw up lots of questions so please read the following Q&As to answer some of your likely queries.
Q. This is a taught programme but do I need to collect any evidence clips at all?
A. All of the evidence collection opportunities are built into the programme days for Part 2 and are in a variety of settings e.g 1-1s, group meetings and presentations. There are 6 pieces that we record (internal assessments) and 6 that are externally assessed through Signature. Of the 6 external assessments, we arrange and film 5 of these for Signature to mark, and one is a 'live' link up with Signature. We also include 'mop up' sessions into the programme, so that you have an opportunity for any 're-sits' for the internal assessments.
Q. What happens if I fail the TSLI assessment ?
A. There will be a date in the Scheme of Work when TSLI assessments will take place. If you are not successful in the practical assessment, there will be a second opportunity later in the programme. If any additional assessments are needed after this, it would have to be laid on specially and would incur additional costs, which would be kept to a minimum.
Q. Who marks my work? Is it all done by the Teacher-Assessor?
A. Your Teacher-Assessor will guide you in the development of your assessed work and will be responsible for marking the majority of your work. In Part 1 we mark all of your written work, apart from one essay which is marked externally by Signature. In part 2, 6 interpreting clips are marked internally and 6 interpreting or translation pieces are marked externally. This ensures standards are met and Quality Assurance is in place.
Q. What happens if I cannot make one of the dates?
A. We expect you to attend all the sessions. Missing any sessions, even one, will have an impact on your ability to pass the assessments. So please put the dates in your diary now! If something unforeseeable does crop up, we will look at it on an individual basis. But if replacement sessions are needed, these will incur a charge. You will also need to arrive on time and the lessons and assessments will start without you, if you are not there. Please allow plenty of time to travel, as you would with any interpreting assignment. We record our remote lessons, so you can watch the lesson again in your own time or if you have missed a session due to ill health.
Q. What accommodation arrangements have you made?
A. Students have found that searching on hotel booking websites work out cheaper than booking direct with the hotels we use. The hotel we have used at Reading is more expensive than the nearby Travelodge for example however it has free wifi and parking, and leisure facilities. We no longer receive discounted rates for the Holiday Inn at Reading. If you book a hotel or accommodation nearby, there is still free parking for you at the training venue, as a delegate.
Q. Why is the Signature qualification better than a degree?
A. It’s not necessarily better – it’s just different. A Degree often means moving to take advantage of a course and has additional academic work and dissertations attached. They are also very expensive. The Signature route is a combination of teaching and assessments and we support you through your journey. The first part concentrates on the theory, which you then apply to your practice. In the second part you demonstrate that your interpreting and translation meets the occupational standards and you are able to analyse your work.
In addition, Post Graduate Programmes have deadlines where students have to submit a range of filmed interpreting evidence from their workplace. The Signature route is paced and has deadlines and assessment opportunities throughout. All filming is organised by us.
Q. You moved from IBSL to Signature. What is the success rates of your learners?
A. In March 2023 IBSL was no longer able to run as an awarding body. We have always had a positive relationship with Signature, but decided to run the IBSL programme in 2006 as we felt the old NVQ was outdated. We also wanted to support a deaf led organisation. Since then Signature has created the Level 6 Diploma in Sign Language Interpreting and Translation and this new and improved qualification is excellent. The qualification is written against the National Occupational Standards for Interpreting and is mapped with the NRCPD. It is also the first awarding body to deliver the different streams so that the qualification is accessible to both Deaf and hearing interpreters or translators.
The BDIT staff are qualified assessors, Internal Verifiers and External Quality Assurers with a breadth of knowledge and experience and have developed programmes, taught and assessed for over 25 years across the whole of the UK. Both Linda and Lynn previously worked at RNID and have supported hundreds of interpreters throughout their careers.
Working as BDIT the current number of students that have passed with us is over 100 and are now RSLIs. See our BDIT Qualified Interpreters Page. We hold graduation ceremonies at the end of our programmes so you can celebrate with your family and friends. See our testimonial page for students' comments and our gallery page to see their graduation ceremonies. This could be you!
Q. Is it possible to ‘fail’ the qualification? What happens in that circumstance?
A. Yes as with all programmes you will need to meet the standards and pass your assessments. You need to pass part 1 before moving onto part 2. We will give you the opportunity to be re-assessed and you will be supported throughout the programme. All work and assessments need to be completed within the programme. If you do not complete one of the external assessments, you can re-sit but will need to pay for it. Signature costs apply for externally marked re-sits.
Q. If a piece of my coursework is not up to scratch, am I able to re-do it? Will this cost more?
A. You can re-submit work within the programme. For internal work, you are able to re-submit one extra time for each assessment without incurring extra costs. For any resubmissions that are marked externally by Signature, there are costs. Signature produce a Fee Booklet annually, so we have this information for you. For the internal assessments in Part 2, you can film these in the community (with our guidance) if you need to 'retake' any assessments that didn't pass.
Q. I'm not very good at editing clips, will this matter?
A. We do not expect you to edit filmed clips, but expect you to press record on your computer and save your own feedback from us on your clips. You will be observed and assessed by your Teacher Assessor and we provide written and verbal feedback on the day of your assessments. You will need to sustain your interpreting performance for a minimum of 15 minutes when interpreting across all your work. We will film your work to enable you to analyse your performance and four of your clips need detailed written analysis, which we mark.
Q. Will I be able to access information electronically?
A. Yes. All our information is stored electronically using a Google Shared Drive. All qualification documents, assessment requirements, Scheme of Work, Powerpoints and lesson materials, reading lists, professional development plan and learning journal templates, along with a whole host of information is easily accessible to you at home. We have a Reading and Resources Library that you can access from home. We also record all our remote lessons, so you can revisit them in your own time. We also expect you to upload your written work and any filmed assessments here. We will show you how to use this, however if you are able to practice before the programme starts it will be one less thing to learn when you start.
Q. Are the practical interpreting activities performed in front of the group or just in front of participants and my assessor?
A. Both depending on the task. You will be supported throughout this and we use breakout rooms on Zoom to work in pairs or small groups. We will help you overcome your nerves as this is going to be part of your working role as a qualified Interpreter.
Q. What equipment will I need to bring with me?
A. All your work will be submitted and stored on our Google Shared Drive. For the Remark! course (which is face to face) you will need to film practical exercises, so need a camera/iPad/phone/recording device along with a tripod/stand. You need to make sure you have enough memory and have enough battery or a cable, plus a stand. You also need stationery that will help you in class e.g. notepad/paper and pens or if you prefer, bring your laptop/tablet. Some sessions include time for you to work on your professional development and analysis work. Most learners bring their laptops/tablets with them for these sessions.
For remote assessments you need to be able to record on Zoom directly onto your computer when we give you feedback, or alternatively you can record it on your phone, or other device. Again we will talk you through this on the first weekend. When teaching online we have a 10 minute eye break every hour. Self-care is an important part of ensuring we have a long and healthy career!
Q. What support will there be from other learners?
A Our past cohorts have set up Whats App groups so that they have continued peer support outside of the taught sessions. They have found this to be a great way to talk through their learning and understanding. This is not compulsory, however if your group wishes to set one up, you can do this on the first weekend of the programme.
Also at the request of our students. when we teach remotely, we can open up the Zoom session half an hour early for you all to have a catch up (as you would when you arrive at a physical venue), if you so wish. We also leave the Zoom meeting open through breaks and lunch time, so you have the option of either switching off and having a screen break, or staying and having a chat with your classmates over lunch. As tutors we switch off our cameras until the teaching time starts again. Do what's right for you. :-)
We are always responsive to students' requests, so just let us know if there is anything different you want us to do.
Q. I am neurodivergent, can I still apply?
Absolutely you can! We will work with you to develop strategies that best suit your neurotype and your learning style. We acknowledge that we are still learning about neurodiversity, but the more we talk about our differences, the richer our resources will be. We are committed to redressing the lack of understanding that we have as a profession and we will keep an open dialogue with you throughout.
Q. This is a taught programme but do I need to collect any evidence clips at all?
A. All of the evidence collection opportunities are built into the programme days for Part 2 and are in a variety of settings e.g 1-1s, group meetings and presentations. There are 6 pieces that we record (internal assessments) and 6 that are externally assessed through Signature. Of the 6 external assessments, we arrange and film 5 of these for Signature to mark, and one is a 'live' link up with Signature. We also include 'mop up' sessions into the programme, so that you have an opportunity for any 're-sits' for the internal assessments.
Q. What happens if I fail the TSLI assessment ?
A. There will be a date in the Scheme of Work when TSLI assessments will take place. If you are not successful in the practical assessment, there will be a second opportunity later in the programme. If any additional assessments are needed after this, it would have to be laid on specially and would incur additional costs, which would be kept to a minimum.
Q. Who marks my work? Is it all done by the Teacher-Assessor?
A. Your Teacher-Assessor will guide you in the development of your assessed work and will be responsible for marking the majority of your work. In Part 1 we mark all of your written work, apart from one essay which is marked externally by Signature. In part 2, 6 interpreting clips are marked internally and 6 interpreting or translation pieces are marked externally. This ensures standards are met and Quality Assurance is in place.
Q. What happens if I cannot make one of the dates?
A. We expect you to attend all the sessions. Missing any sessions, even one, will have an impact on your ability to pass the assessments. So please put the dates in your diary now! If something unforeseeable does crop up, we will look at it on an individual basis. But if replacement sessions are needed, these will incur a charge. You will also need to arrive on time and the lessons and assessments will start without you, if you are not there. Please allow plenty of time to travel, as you would with any interpreting assignment. We record our remote lessons, so you can watch the lesson again in your own time or if you have missed a session due to ill health.
Q. What accommodation arrangements have you made?
A. Students have found that searching on hotel booking websites work out cheaper than booking direct with the hotels we use. The hotel we have used at Reading is more expensive than the nearby Travelodge for example however it has free wifi and parking, and leisure facilities. We no longer receive discounted rates for the Holiday Inn at Reading. If you book a hotel or accommodation nearby, there is still free parking for you at the training venue, as a delegate.
Q. Why is the Signature qualification better than a degree?
A. It’s not necessarily better – it’s just different. A Degree often means moving to take advantage of a course and has additional academic work and dissertations attached. They are also very expensive. The Signature route is a combination of teaching and assessments and we support you through your journey. The first part concentrates on the theory, which you then apply to your practice. In the second part you demonstrate that your interpreting and translation meets the occupational standards and you are able to analyse your work.
In addition, Post Graduate Programmes have deadlines where students have to submit a range of filmed interpreting evidence from their workplace. The Signature route is paced and has deadlines and assessment opportunities throughout. All filming is organised by us.
Q. You moved from IBSL to Signature. What is the success rates of your learners?
A. In March 2023 IBSL was no longer able to run as an awarding body. We have always had a positive relationship with Signature, but decided to run the IBSL programme in 2006 as we felt the old NVQ was outdated. We also wanted to support a deaf led organisation. Since then Signature has created the Level 6 Diploma in Sign Language Interpreting and Translation and this new and improved qualification is excellent. The qualification is written against the National Occupational Standards for Interpreting and is mapped with the NRCPD. It is also the first awarding body to deliver the different streams so that the qualification is accessible to both Deaf and hearing interpreters or translators.
The BDIT staff are qualified assessors, Internal Verifiers and External Quality Assurers with a breadth of knowledge and experience and have developed programmes, taught and assessed for over 25 years across the whole of the UK. Both Linda and Lynn previously worked at RNID and have supported hundreds of interpreters throughout their careers.
Working as BDIT the current number of students that have passed with us is over 100 and are now RSLIs. See our BDIT Qualified Interpreters Page. We hold graduation ceremonies at the end of our programmes so you can celebrate with your family and friends. See our testimonial page for students' comments and our gallery page to see their graduation ceremonies. This could be you!
Q. Is it possible to ‘fail’ the qualification? What happens in that circumstance?
A. Yes as with all programmes you will need to meet the standards and pass your assessments. You need to pass part 1 before moving onto part 2. We will give you the opportunity to be re-assessed and you will be supported throughout the programme. All work and assessments need to be completed within the programme. If you do not complete one of the external assessments, you can re-sit but will need to pay for it. Signature costs apply for externally marked re-sits.
Q. If a piece of my coursework is not up to scratch, am I able to re-do it? Will this cost more?
A. You can re-submit work within the programme. For internal work, you are able to re-submit one extra time for each assessment without incurring extra costs. For any resubmissions that are marked externally by Signature, there are costs. Signature produce a Fee Booklet annually, so we have this information for you. For the internal assessments in Part 2, you can film these in the community (with our guidance) if you need to 'retake' any assessments that didn't pass.
Q. I'm not very good at editing clips, will this matter?
A. We do not expect you to edit filmed clips, but expect you to press record on your computer and save your own feedback from us on your clips. You will be observed and assessed by your Teacher Assessor and we provide written and verbal feedback on the day of your assessments. You will need to sustain your interpreting performance for a minimum of 15 minutes when interpreting across all your work. We will film your work to enable you to analyse your performance and four of your clips need detailed written analysis, which we mark.
Q. Will I be able to access information electronically?
A. Yes. All our information is stored electronically using a Google Shared Drive. All qualification documents, assessment requirements, Scheme of Work, Powerpoints and lesson materials, reading lists, professional development plan and learning journal templates, along with a whole host of information is easily accessible to you at home. We have a Reading and Resources Library that you can access from home. We also record all our remote lessons, so you can revisit them in your own time. We also expect you to upload your written work and any filmed assessments here. We will show you how to use this, however if you are able to practice before the programme starts it will be one less thing to learn when you start.
Q. Are the practical interpreting activities performed in front of the group or just in front of participants and my assessor?
A. Both depending on the task. You will be supported throughout this and we use breakout rooms on Zoom to work in pairs or small groups. We will help you overcome your nerves as this is going to be part of your working role as a qualified Interpreter.
Q. What equipment will I need to bring with me?
A. All your work will be submitted and stored on our Google Shared Drive. For the Remark! course (which is face to face) you will need to film practical exercises, so need a camera/iPad/phone/recording device along with a tripod/stand. You need to make sure you have enough memory and have enough battery or a cable, plus a stand. You also need stationery that will help you in class e.g. notepad/paper and pens or if you prefer, bring your laptop/tablet. Some sessions include time for you to work on your professional development and analysis work. Most learners bring their laptops/tablets with them for these sessions.
For remote assessments you need to be able to record on Zoom directly onto your computer when we give you feedback, or alternatively you can record it on your phone, or other device. Again we will talk you through this on the first weekend. When teaching online we have a 10 minute eye break every hour. Self-care is an important part of ensuring we have a long and healthy career!
Q. What support will there be from other learners?
A Our past cohorts have set up Whats App groups so that they have continued peer support outside of the taught sessions. They have found this to be a great way to talk through their learning and understanding. This is not compulsory, however if your group wishes to set one up, you can do this on the first weekend of the programme.
Also at the request of our students. when we teach remotely, we can open up the Zoom session half an hour early for you all to have a catch up (as you would when you arrive at a physical venue), if you so wish. We also leave the Zoom meeting open through breaks and lunch time, so you have the option of either switching off and having a screen break, or staying and having a chat with your classmates over lunch. As tutors we switch off our cameras until the teaching time starts again. Do what's right for you. :-)
We are always responsive to students' requests, so just let us know if there is anything different you want us to do.
Q. I am neurodivergent, can I still apply?
Absolutely you can! We will work with you to develop strategies that best suit your neurotype and your learning style. We acknowledge that we are still learning about neurodiversity, but the more we talk about our differences, the richer our resources will be. We are committed to redressing the lack of understanding that we have as a profession and we will keep an open dialogue with you throughout.